March 30, 2022

Stericycle Launches New Employee Resource Group for Young Professionals

Stericycle recently announced the launch of SEEDS, our new employee resource group (ERG) for young professionals! The ERG’s mission is to foster personal and professional development, growth, and advancement within the company, as well as encourage ongoing community engagement.

SEEDS is committed to helping future leaders grow their careers at Stericycle through educational activities, leadership opportunities, mentorship, and networking. “SEEDS is for anyone in the early stages of their career, newer in their tenure with Stericycle, or interested in allyship,” said Alex Goldberg, one of the founding members of the ERG. “We hope to offer a platform for members to form relationships across departments and geographies, learn and grow from each other, and build bridges across generations.”

“SEEDS is growing really fast, which is great,” said Steven Gerovasilis, another founder. “We plan to partner with other ERGs like WRISE (Women’s Resource for Impact, Success, and Empowerment) to prioritize mentorship at Stericycle as a whole.”

Stericycle’s ERGs are supportive networks organized around a shared identity. The goals of the ERGs are to recruit and retain a diverse workforce, as well as help the company direct support and services. The ERGs play a key role in Stericycle’s community engagement, as well as identifying and promoting initiatives to support cultural awareness and social justice within the company.

At Stericycle, we strive for excellence and are committed to opportunities for the diverse talent and leadership across our entire team. To learn more about our SEEDS and our other ERGs, visit our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion page. 

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