May 20, 2016

Understanding OSHA’s Globally Harmonized System

As of June 1, 2016, OSHA’s three-year transition to full alignment with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) became final.

What is the Globally Harmonized System?

The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is designed to enhance the protection of human health and the environment. This system harmonizes hazard classification criteria and chemical hazard communication elements worldwide by providing a framework for classifying and labeling hazardous chemicals.

Impact of GHS on Manufacturers

Manufacturer's labels,  are now required to have simple pictograms that will readily communicate hazards such as flammability, toxicity, etc., even to workers who may have no technical background or who cannot understand English.

GHS Compliance Resources

Stericycle has all of the resources to bring your office or facility into compliance with the new requirements:

  • Online or On-site Hazard Communication/GHS Awareness Training
  • OSHA Quickcards on the revised requirements for: Manufacturers labels—covers the six items now required, Safety Data Sheets—covers the new sixteen section format and Pictograms—covers the nine pictograms now in use,
  • Safety Plan Builder—The Steri-SafeSM OSHA Compliance Solutions Safety Plan Builder for creating a written Hazard Communication Program (and other required safety plans) has been updated to reflect GHS requirements.
  • On-line Safety Data Sheets (SDS) —updated SDSs in compliance with OSHA’s new sixteen section format are ready for download online at

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